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Reducer industry commonly used English Vocabulary

Reducer industry commonly used English vocabulary
1. 斜齿轮:bevel gear
2. 锁紧盘:shrink disk
3. 卧式安装:horizontal installation [,instə’leis ən]
4. 立式安装:vertical mounting position
5. 直交轴齿轮箱:bevel-helical gear box
6. 电机法兰:motor flange
7. 电机支架:motor bracket
8. 防爆:explosion protection
9. 平键 /平键槽:parallel keys and keyways
10. 监测元件:monitoring element
11. 法兰泵:flanged-on pump
12. 电动泵:motor pump
13. 强制润滑:forced lubrication
14. 浸油润滑:dip lubrication
15. 加热元件:heating elements
16. 轴封:shaft seals
17. 润滑油油温监测器:thermometer for oil temperature 18. 齿轮箱:gear box
19. 恒定功率:constant mechanical power
20. 冷却风扇:fan
21. 冷却盘管:cooling coil
22. 水 /气 -油冷却器:water-/air-oil cooler
23. 润滑油品种:oil grade
24. 润滑油粘度:oil viscosity
25. 注油量:oil level
26. 电机:electric motor
27. 电机转速:motor speed
28. 最大启动扭矩:max.starting torque
29. 齿轮箱设计:gear box design
30. 输出轴:output shaft
31. 实心轴:solid shaft
32. 热容量:thermal capacities
33. 额定输出扭矩:nominal output torques
34. 额定功率:nominal power ratings
35. 齿轮箱规格:gear box size
36. 实际传动比:actual rations
37. 单级传动:single stage
38. 平行轴齿轮箱:Parallel axis gear box/helical gear box 39. 空心轴:hollow shaft
40. 花键:spline
41. 传动级数:Transmission series
42. 传动比:transmission ratio
43. 功能表和热量表:table of Menu and heat
44. 齿轮箱选型:selection of gear box
45. 安全系数:safety factor/service factor
46. 转动惯量:moment of inertia
47. 性能特点:Characteristic features
48. 防腐:prevention
49. 加热元件:heating element
50. 安装法兰大空间:mounting flange-long spacer 51. 安装法兰大空间 :mounting flange-short spacer 52. 辅助冷却:auxiliary cooling
53. 布置形式:arrangement form
54. 安装侧:attachment side
55. 齿轮箱倾斜安装或摆动:gear box inclination 56. 润滑油量:oil quantity
57. 进气孔:air inlet
58. 输出功率:input power
59. 输出转速:output speed
60. 铸铁:cast iron
61. 逆止器:backstop
62. 观油孔:oil sight glass
63. 放油孔:oil drain hole
64. 扭矩:torque
65. 蜗轮减速机:worm reduction gear
66. 螺旋伞齿轮减速机:Spiral bevel gear reducer
67.R 系列斜齿轮硬齿面减速机:R series helical gear reducer of hard-toothed surface
68.F 系列平行轴斜齿轮减速机:F series parallel axis inclined gear
69.NGW 行星齿轮减速机:NGW planetary gear reducer 70. 轴装式齿轮箱:shaft-mounted gear box
71. 输入轴:input
72. 输出轴:output
73. 润滑油补油箱:compensating tank
74. 冷却盘管接口尺寸:water connection for cooling coil
75. 工作机驱油轴:driven machine shaft
76. 采用电动泵的强制润滑:forced lubrication by motor pump
77. 端板:end plate
78. 弹性挡圈:circlip
79. 螺钉:screw
80. 防护罩:protective cover
81. 过滤器:filter
82. 双切换过滤器:double change-over filter
83. 压力监测开关:Pressure monitoring switch
84. 温控阀:Thermostatic valve
85. 带油温计:with temperature for oil temperature
86. 行星齿轮减速机:Planetary gear reducer
87. 制动鼓:brake drum
88. 电机轴皮带轮:motor shaft pulley
89. 泄油阀:oil drain valve
90. 齿轮箱浮动底座:gear box swing-bases
91. 液力偶合器:fluid coupling
92. 扭力臂支撑:T orque support
93. 衬套:bush
94. 支座:pedestal
95.Standard motor
96. 弹性支座:flexible pedestal
97. 连接板:connection plate
98. 联轴器:e-eupex coupling
99. 轴端:shaft end
100. 防爆:explosion protection
101. 特性类型:category [‘k æ t ig(ə)ri]
102. 安全要求:s afety requirements
103. 扭矩系数:torque factor
104. 电机支架 :motor brackets
105. 皮带传动:belt drive
106. 电机轴皮带轮:motor shaft pulley
107. 水处理用螺旋输送机:for water screws
108. 用于固定螺栓:for pressure screw
109. 鼓式制动器:drum brake
110.B-B 截面:section B-B
111. 带 FLUDEX 液力偶合器:with FLUDEX fluid couplings
112. 带 N-EUPEX 联轴器:with N-EUPEX couplings
113. 类型 B4:typesetB4
114. 规格 13-18:sizes 13-18
115.IEC 电机及相应的联轴器和制动器:IEC Motors and assigned couplings and brakes
116. 连接板:connection plate
117. 齿 轮 箱 减 振 扭 力 臂 支 撑 :Vibration[vai’breisən] reduction torque supports for Gear housings
118. 活塞发动机:piston engine
119. 液压马达:hydraulic motor
120. 气轮机:gas turbine
121. 单向载荷:One-way load
122. 交变载荷:alternating load
123. 环境温度系数:thermal factor
124. 作用力在轴伸中部:application of force on center of shaft end
125. 附加径向力:Additional radial force
126. 外部径向力:External radial force
127. 作用力系数:Force coefficient
128. 齿轮倾斜安装或摆动:gear box inclination
129. 安装形式:installing form
130. 迷宫式密封 :labyrinth seal
131. 冷却盘管接口尺寸:water connection for cooling coil 132. 轮毂键槽:Wheel keyways
133. 螺纹孔:screwed hole
134. 宽度:width
135. 高度:height
136. 直径:diameter
137.ISO 配合精度的选择:selection of ISO fits
138. 轴公差:Shaft tolerance
139. 孔公差:bore tolerance
140. 轴键槽深度:depth of keyways in Shaft
141. 轮毂键槽深度:depth of keyways in hub
142. 工作机驱动轴:drive machine shaft
143. 用于拆卸的液压孔:bores for hydraulic hub removal 144. 矿物油:Mineral oil
145. 合成油:Synthetic oil
146. 长效防腐:Long-term preservation
147. 法兰泵规格:Flange-on pump size
169. 齿轮:gear
170. 轴:shaft
171. 轴承:bearing
172. 油封:oil seal
173. 检验设备:inspection machine
174. 加工精度:machining accuracy
175. 齿面硬度:Gear surface hardness
176. 批量合格:Batch of qualified
177. 调质处理:thermal refining
178. 粗车:rough turning
179. 精车:lathe
180. 滚齿:hobbing
181. 用于 IEC-电机的电机安装法兰:Motor Bell Housing for IEC Standard Motors

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